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Piecewise-Defined Functions

A piecewise function exists when a function is defined by two or more different functions throughout its domain. The first step in evaluating a piecewise function is to determine which function definition applies depending on the value of x that is being input. Once that has been determined, we evaluate the function as usual by substituting  in the given value of x.


Given \(f(x) =
\right\}\),find \(f(-1)\), \(f(0)\) and \( f(1) \)

piecewise function

Solution: First, we want to evaluate \(f\) at \(x=-1\), so \(f(x)=-x\) is the equation to use 

(since it applies whenever \(x<0\)). 

\( \displaylines{
f(x) &=& -x \\
f(-1) &=& -(-1) \\
f(-1) &=& 1} \)

Next, we want to evaluate \(f\) at \(x=0\), so \(f(x)=x^2+1\) is the equation to use.
(Since it applies whenever \(x\geq 0\).)

\(\displaylines{f(x) &=& x^2+1 \\ f(0) &=& 0^2+1 \\ f(0) &=& 1} \)

Finally, we evaluate \(f\) at \(x=1\), so \(f(x)=x^2+1\) is the equation to use. (Since it applies whenever \(x\geq 0\).)

\(\displaylines{f(x) &=& x^2+1 \\ f(1) &=& 1^2+1 \\f(1) &=& 2} \)

Absolute Value Functions

An absolute value function can be rewritten as a piecewise function. Absolute value is the distance from a number 'x' to 0 on the real number line. Therefore, when the value of a function is equal to zero or is positive, taking its absolute value doesn't change it; however, if the value is negative, taking absolute value changes the sign. Therefore, the definition of the function changes depending on whether or not x ≥ 0.

\(y = |x| = \begin{cases} x & \text{if } x \geq 0 \\ -x & \text{if } x < 0 \end{cases}  \)

Example: Write \(y = |x-2|\) as a piecewise function and evaluate \(f(0)\), \(f(2)\), and \(f(5)\).


\( f(x) = \begin{cases} x-2, & \text{if } x \geq 0 ~or~x\geq 2 \\ -(x-2), & \text{if } x < 0~or~x<2 \end{cases} \)

First, to find \(f(0)\), we use \(f(x) = -(x-2)\), since this applies when \(x<2\):

\( \displaylines{f(x) &=& -(x-2) \\ f(0) &=& -(0-2) \\ f(0) &=& 2} \)

Next, to find \(f(2)\), we use \(f(x) = x-2\), since this applies when \(x \geq 2\):

\( \displaylines{f(x) &=& x-2 \\ f(2) &=& 2-2 \\ f(2) &=& 0} \)

Finally, to find \(f(5)\), we use \(f(x) = x-2\), since this again applies when \(x \geq 2\):

\( \displaylines{f(x) &=& x-2 \\ f(5) &=& 5-2 \\ f(5) &=& 3} \)

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3: