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Stage 3: Revising

Video Resources

Video Resources

How to revise

For more information on revising, watch the following video from Lund University:

Writing well is not easy. It takes practice, as well as revision, editing and proofreading. In academic and business writing, it is important to be as clear and concise as possible. Make sure that the words and phrases you use clearly express your intended meaning. The wrong word, too many words, and vague generalities will all undermine the overall impact of your writing. You may have a great argument or theory, but if your professor cannot understand what you are trying to say, your grades will suffer.

The process of revising and editing your writing is one that requires at least as much time as the planning and drafting stages of the writing process. Taking the time to revise and edit carefully can pay off in higher grades.

There are three steps to the revision process: revising, editing and proofreading. It is also important to remember that time management is a key factor in the complete process of researching, writing and editing your work. At all stages of the writing process, good time management is essential to success. Do not leave your essays and reports to the last minute.

Tech Tip 

  • Save your work regularly – get in the habit of saving every time you pause to think or finish a sentence.
  • Do not delete or overwrite old drafts; they may come in handy if you lose a newer version or your professor asks for your rough drafts and notes.
  • Save each draft you write as a separate document. Date each draft so you can stay organized.