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Active learning self-reflection

Using a chart, brainstorm a few strategies or habits that you find useful or not useful when studying. Also, provide any other important strategies that help you learn and remember course information. Doing this will make you aware of the study strategies you tend to rely on, and you can reflect on the ones that are not working so well. 


Study skills self-assessment survey 

Self-reflection is very important for learning; without proper reflection, we cannot gain the insight necessary to correct poor habits and learn productive strategies. This self-assessment will help you identify study skills you currently use and skills you need to develop to refine your approach to studying.

Study Skills Self-Assessment Survey

These statements are all strategies to study more effectively!

Take the survey - Study Skills Self-Assessment Survey

Score each statement from one (this is not typical of me) up to five (this is very typical of me).


1. I review my notes more than once or twice for exams and quizzes.

2. I use mnemonic devices.

3. I use visuals in my notes, such as mind maps, diagrams, timelines, charts, and sketches.

4. I take practice tests and quizzes, and I try to write my own questions.

5. I reorganize the main ideas and details into a logical or meaningful order.

6. I ask questions about the materials I am studying.

7. I try to understand the material in my notes and readings instead of memorizing.

8. I convert text and lecture material into my own words.

9. I study with a classmate or group and take turns teaching the material.

10. When I don’t understand something, I get help from classmates, peer tutors, teaching assistants, instructors or specialists at the Student Learning Centre.

11. I complete practice homework questions.

12. I begin studying in my classes in the very first week of the semester.

13. I review lecture notes soon after class.

14. I review my notes before my class.

15. I have taken a STRIDE learning skills workshop or study group, or have attended a 1:1 appointment with a study specialist or peer success facilitator.

16. I study for a bit and then take a short break before returning to study.

17. I avoid cramming when I study.

18. When the subject matter is not naturally interesting, I find ways to learn it anyway.

19. When I sit down to study, I tell myself that I intend to study and put away distractions.

20. I try to spend 1 to 3 hours studying for every hour of class.


There are 20 statements in this list, and each is ranked from one to five. Your total score can range anywhere from a low of 20 to a high of 100. If you scored at the lower end of this range – say, below 40 – you need to work on your strategies for preparing for exams. You have already developed some strong study strategies if you scored at the higher end of this range – say, above 70. See if you can get all of your scores to a four or five to see significant improvement in your studying!


“Study Skills Inventory.” (n.d.). University of Redlands, Academic Success & Disability Services. Accessed at: