Where Does My Time Go?
To develop a better sense of your current time management, reflect on:
- Your current habits.
- Consider your likes, dislikes, and energy levels.
- What you currently have to juggle in your life.
- Consider things such as work, school, and personal matters.
- What your average day looks like.
- Consider how much time you spend on routine tasks.
If you aren’t entirely sure where your time is going, spend a week keeping an accurate record of where you are spending your time:
- Be as accurate as possible.
- Be honest with yourself!
- Review your findings.
- Were there any surprises?
- Ask questions
- Was this a typical week?
- What days or times did I study best?
- Did I make enough time for self-care and relaxation?
- What distracted me or prevented me from accomplishing different priorities?
- How will the decisions I am making right now help or hinder me in the future?
- How often do I need breaks?
- When do I feel the most energetic and alert?
- Reflect.
- Think about what you want to change or do differently.
Check out the following resource from Lumen Learning, which provides many strategies and self-assessment tools to help you manage your time.
Time Management Inventory
1. I find myself pacing and planning my tasks throughout the term, and I am rarely stressed about deadlines and commitments.
2. I set aside time every week for planning, scheduling and setting out my priorities.
3. I create a realistic and achievable daily “to do” list.
4. I know which tasks are high, medium and low priority.
5. The tasks I work on first during the day are the ones with the highest priority.
6. I prioritize the tasks I have to do in terms of their importance and urgency.
7. I begin working on semester-long projects early in the term.
8. I begin reviewing my notes and studying for an exam from the first week that material is assigned or covered in the lecture.
9. I set specific, achievable short-term goals to help decide what tasks and activities I should work on and determine what I should study.
10. I think about the future, set long-term goals for myself, and understand the steps required to achieve these goals.
11. I leave contingency time in my schedule for unexpected or unplanned interruptions.
12. I take breaks and practise self-care, and I have developed clear boundaries between my social life and work life.
13. I begin my study time with my most difficult tasks first.
14. I break down my tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.
15. I use small gaps in my schedule to chip away at relatively complex tasks.
16. I set deadlines for myself if they are not provided for me, and I share my plans and goals with others to increase my accountability.
17. I anticipate things that will distract me, and I manage or minimize those distractions so that I can focus on my work.
18. I complete most of my studying during my most productive hours each day.
19. I use a calendar or spreadsheet to track all of my assignments and test deadlines.
20. I study one to three hours for every one hour I spend in lecture.
21. I know how much time I spend on the various tasks I complete.
22. I use a study planner to keep track of the hours I spend studying and ensure I review course content at the most optimum times.
23. Before I take on a new task, I assess whether or not I can balance it.
24. I concentrate on one important task at a time, and I avoid multitasking.
25. I think of being a full-time student as I would a full-time job.
These statements are all strategies to manage your time effectively!
There are 25 statements in this list, and each is ranked from 1 to 5. Your total score can range anywhere from a low of 25 to a high of 125. If you scored at the lower end of this range – say, below 50 – you need to work on your time management strategies. You have already developed some robust time management strategies if you scored at the higher end of this range – say, above 85. See if you can get all of your scores to a 4 or 5 to meet your deadlines and commitments consistently.
“Time Management Calculator: Where Does My Time Go?” (n.d.). Ferris State University. Accessed at:
The self-assessment survey was adapted from the following sources:
“How Good Is Your Time Management?” (n.d.). Mindtools. Accessed at:
“Study Skills Inventory.” (n.d.). University of Redlands, Academic Success & Disability Services. Accessed at:
“Time Management Inventory.” (n.d.). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Learning Centre. Accessed at:
“Time Management.” (n.d.). Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. Accessed at: