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American Institute of Physics (AIP) Citations

When do I use AIP Citations?

AIP citations are used mainly in Physics courses. Many Ontario Tech University professors may have a preference as to the citation style they want you to use, thus it is important to clarify their expectations for citations and referencing.

What do AIP Citations look like?

AIP Citations often use numerical citations directly within the text, as a superscript 4. Following this method is a reference list which has the sources listed in order of occurrence. In some cases, it is permissible to use the Name-Year style, similar to the APA method; however, this is very uncommon.

AIP references are also very brief and use many abbreviations when describing titles of journals. Meet with your professor before using these abbreviations to ensure they are acceptable.

Citing Different Forms of Work

There are different ways for citing the work used according to AIP. View the official website to download its style guide: AIP Style Guide

For more information on citation material, visit the Library website: