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In the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) there are several fields (or areas) of study: Automotive, Electrical, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Software, Nuclear, and Energy Systems. While many of your assignments in your first year or two will likely not include much writing, in your 3rd and 4th years you will have courses that require large written assignments (project reports) and a capstone project. You will also have to take some core non-engineering courses that may require essays or technical reports. More importantly, once you graduate you will have to communicate effectively to get and keep good jobs!


Always read your directions carefully, and clarify with your professor or TA the exact expectations for assignments. Every TA and professor will have specific expectations which may not match those provided on this website.

For more information on writing in Engineering, take some time to review the Writing as an Engineer or Scientist website presented by PennState University.