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Apostrophe Usage

Writers may forget to use apostrophes or may use them incorrectly. Apostrophes are used to (a) indicate possession or ownership and (b) to form a contraction. If the noun is singular, place the apostrophe before the “s”. If the noun is plural, the apostrophe is placed after the “s”.


Make the noun plural first and then show possession.

  • Incorrect: I borrowed Jordans book before the test.
  • Correct: I borrowed Jordan’s book before the test.
  • Incorrect: I copied Susans’ notes from class.
  • Correct: I copied Susan’s notes from class.
  • Incorrect: There are many students cars illegally parked in the neighbouring subdivision.
  • Correct: There are many students’ cars illegally parked in the neighbouring subdivision.
  • Incorrect: Susans going to the store for me.
  • Correct: Susan’s going to the store for me.
  • Correct: Susan is going to the store for me.


For more information, view the Apostrophe Tip Sheet.